Response to Mayor of London's TfL bus cuts reversal
Joanna Davidson, CEO for London TravelWatch, said:
It’s vital that we protect services as we know that in London more people travel by bus than any other mode of transport.
Cuts to bus routes would have disproportionately affected lower paid and disabled Londoners – so it’s really positive news that many of these proposals have been shelved based on our recommendations.
We will review the bus report in full and feed back any final suggestions to the Mayor and TfL.
We're pleased that our calls for cuts to night bus services to be scrapped were listened to. 1 in 5 bus passengers would have had to change bus in the middle of the night - sometimes at a completely different bus stop - if these cuts were pushed through.
We understand from the report that bus routes 332, 507, 521 and the N16 will be cut and there will be some changes to other services. We’re calling for TfL to make sure there is very clear communication around this with bus users and key stakeholders.
Alternative advice and information around how to travel will be required, especially for the most vulnerable bus users.