Scrapping day travelcards - transport watchdog responds

The Mayor is exploring the option of withdrawing Day Travelcards. If withdrawn, Day Travelcards would no longer be sold or accepted by TfL.

Michael Roberts, Chief Executive for London TravelWatch, said:

We should be making it easier for passengers to use public transport into and around the capital. Scrapping one day travelcards make things more difficult and will likely hit the least well off, right in the middle of a cost-of-living squeeze.

Young and disabled people will lose out and end up having to pay more as contactless payment does not allow for railcard discounts to be applied. We will be highlighting this in our response to TfL’s consultation and also making sure proper consideration is given to those passengers who are unable to use digital and contactless payments.

Notes to editors

Our recent report called Left behind Londoners showed the extent of digital exclusion and disadvantage in the capital:

1 in 6 people in London say they are unable to buy a ticket as they can’t use or don’t have access to a smartphone or internet connection.

1 in 5 Londoners say they have paid more for travel because they are not able to buy tickets online or by using mobile apps.

This is pertinent as it seems that passengers may need to purchase two separate tickets including using contactless travelcards in London Oyster zones.