Michael Roberts

Michael Roberts appointed new Chief Exec of London TravelWatch

London TravelWatch today announced the appointment of Michael Roberts as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The announcement was made at City Hall in front of the London Assembly. 

Michael will join London’s independent transport watchdog in January 2023 and will lead a team representing the views of millions of people who travel on London’s transport network.

The appointment comes as transport users across London face increasing challenges, with London TravelWatch demanding improvements on key issues such as personal security, retaining quality bus services, communication across all services, and making sure transport is accessible for everyone.

Arthur Leathley, chair of London TravelWatch, said:

I am very pleased that Michael will join London TravelWatch. Michael has wide experience of transport from his previous senior roles and is also very familiar with the key issues that affect millions of people travelling in London. At a time of great change, Michael’s knowledge and skill will be invaluable.

Michael said:

Transport is integral to the life of every Londoner, yet the challenges involved in delivering an affordable, efficient and green transport system, accessible to all, have rarely been greater.  The views of the travelling public matter more than ever and, together with the London TravelWatch team, I look forward to ensuring their voice is heard by decision-makers at this critical time.

Michael has 30 years’ experience in advocacy and influencing public policy, much of it relating to transport.  He has been Director-General at the Rail Delivery Group (RDG) and Chief Executive at the Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC), and represented the interests of business transport users as a director at the CBI.  His most recent role was as Chief Executive of Water UK and he is a former Board member of The Carbon Trust.

During his career, Michael has been involved in successful campaigns to secure increased investment nationally across all modes of transport, introduce congestion charging in London and adopt the route of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link into London. 

At ATOC, his team were responsible on behalf of the rail industry for providing key services to customers, such as National Rail Enquiries.  He is also a former member of the Commission for Integrated Transport, and the Motorists’ Forum.

Joanna Davidson will continue as interim CEO of London TravelWatch until Michael starts in the new year, ensuring a smooth transition.